Kuchh Sunni Muslaman Sahi does not mean that he is not able to do any harm because of the fact that he is married and has a lot of love for himself, Jis from Bad-mazhabon (Deobandi, Wahabi, Salfi, Ahle Khabis, Nadvi, Shia, Qadani , Kharji etc.) I have to keep this in mind that the Sunny Log shields me, I have spoken, I have listened to Sunnaton's Wagirah Wagairah. We have a great deal of peace with the people. But there is no Sunniyon that has been given to any of the Imam Ahle Sunnat Ala Hazrat Ash-Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadri Alaihirrahman and Maslake has not given a name to Hazrat. I do not know how to talk to him since I am an Ahleshin Ahmad Raza Khan, because he has given me a place to teach me the truth, he has done a lot of research, and I have a child's education. Lihaza Ham is Risale me Unamam Ghair Shara'i Rasoomat and Khurafaat Jin Ni Niyebat Imam Ahlsunat AshShah Imam Ahmad Khan Alaihirrahman ki taraf ki Jaan hai Aap hi ki aur kutub se iski mukhalfat Sabit krenge taki aam musalmanon par Sachchi baat hai jahay hai Khuraaf and Bidat did not return any questions from Al Ahir Raza Alaihirrahman and from Uncle Sachhe Maslak to any Ta'alluq.